Legacy Girls College has a school doctor who attend to our girls when they are sick.
The school doctor is assisted by three registered nurses who are affiliated to and live with the girls in the three houses. These nurses are skilled in the health of adolescent girls and they offer primary health care services to the girls when need be. Each house has a sick bay with another one in the school block. These facilities help our nurses attend to the girls when they are sick in the houses and also during classes.
The school is supported by medical care from the Akuse Government Hospital and the VRA hospital – Akosombo. Arrangements have been made for prompt attention at all times.
Our counselling unit has a professional counselor who has a specialty in clinical psychology and she is assisted by well-trained student counselors (Peer Counselors) who serves as a liaison between the students and the school counselor
Issues are spotted and dealt with swiftly, and every girl has a number of trusted staff and student counselor she goes to when she has problems or difficulties. These staff and student counselors liaise well with the school counselor for the provision of counselling services.